Diamond Piano Curriculum Overview
Each of Diamond Piano's 37 Pods builds upon the material covered in the preceding Pods. The following is a high level look at when some broad music theory concepts are introduced throughout the Pods:Pods 1-10
- Note reading on the grand staff between high and low C
- Proper hand position, technique, and fingering
- Counting rhythms in 4/4 and 3/4 time
- Improvising melodies with five finger range
- Transposing five finger melodies to all 12 keys with both hands
- Dynamics and tempos
- Ear training with single note melodies
Pods 11-20
- Expansion of reading range
- Counting of subdivided beats
- Relative major and minor scale formulas
- Transposing with full scales
- Improvising melodies with full octave range
- Key signatures
- Pedaling technique
- Articulation
- Ear training with octave unison melodies
Pods 21-30
- Chord inversions
- Chord analysis
- Transposing with chords
- Further subdivision of rhythms including swing
- Time signatures with 8 and 2 on the bottom
- Major and minor key chord families
- Harmonic Minor
- Improvisation with unlimited range
- Composition (notating original ideas)
- Ear training with melodies over progressions with 1, 2, and 3 chord changes
Pods 31-37
- Seventh Chords
- Accompaniment styles explored
- Lead Sheet Arranging
- Improvisation and composition furthered
- The circle of fifths
- Blues scale and form
- Pentatonic - major and minor
- Ear training with melodies over progressions with up to 5 chord changes